Sunday, January 17, 2010

Winter Break Fun!

Winter break is always fun...for the kids! For those of you fellow parents out there, 3 1/2 weeks off of school is sometimes rough. Entertaining the kids is always fun, but finding enough adventures to keep them busy is the hard part.

We got a little bowling in..

A winter staple is definitely ice skating! Living in So Cal, we don't have the opportunity to go outdoors, but Escondido has a fabulous ice rink we try to frequent as much as possible.
As you can see, Drake needs more practice. This is how he spent most of his time when he was not hanging on to my arm for dear life! At least he is smilin' :)

Oh wait, he did hang on to Keiley for a brief photo op, other than that, she was not having it.

All bundled up and cuddling for a quick break.
...And motorcycle riding.
Rick took the kids to a friends near Barstow for some after Christmas riding. They had a blast and along the way, they tried to say "Hi" to me while riding. Not sure how safe that is...

Christmas 2009

Christmas morning...very exciting stuff!

Started with stockings.
Uncle Kevin is a bit of an artist and every year he forgoes the store bought wrapping paper and makes his own Christmas drawings on plain paper. It has been a tradition over the past years and truthfully, we look forward to the drawings more so than the gifts themselves.

Here is a little sampling of one of Drakes presents...

The kids got the WII this year for Christmas. (yes, we are a bit behind, I understand the "it" thing is PS3 this year). As parents, it is alot of pressure to keep up with the latest and greatest gadgets and electronics, so we just don't :)

After present time playing a game they received for Christmas and wearing the "stocking" presents: Vintage Beatles shirts for both.

Drake covering Jack

For those of you who DON'T facebook (and I know it isn't many of you), here is Drakes latest performance and first singing debut.

I begged Rick to edit the crazy lady crying at the end, but said something about it being a "tender moment". Tender...ya right, guess who is holding the video camera next time because guess who was also guessed it!! It's just funnier when someone else is doing the ugly cry.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yes, it has been a while, but Keiley had a birthday late November. Yes, I said late November, I am a bit late on my posts but all of you loyal viewers should be used to my procrastination by now :)

The day of her birthday, she chose to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner and have a quiet family night at home with all of us playing Monopoly.

Don't we wish she could stay this young forever. Playing Monopoly...LOVE HER!

Though, we didn't leave her birthday at just the Monopoly.
My friend Renee and I surprised our girls for their birthdays and took them to San Francisco to see the play Wicked. Keiley was turning 12 and Rebekah turned 13 so we thought it would be super fun to do a turn around trip and throw in a play while in town.
Here are the girls as we are about to leave the airport.
At this point, they know they are going to San Fran only because the baggage lady spilled the beans....
We just arrived in San Fran..
We told the girls they were in San Fran to sight see, go to Ghiradelli Square to have chocolate, and have a very fancy dinner in the city.
Our first stop...Fisherman's Wharf
They're taking it all in.
As promised, hot chocolate from Ghiradelli Square.
All the while, experiencing public transportation....Good times!~
Getting all "dolled" up for the play. New outfit, curls and lipstick.

...And the ride home after getting off the plane.
Guess hangin' with the moms in the city is more than these little tweens could handle ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

To start the Halloween festivities, the kids did their pumpkin carving.

Gettin' down and dirty in pumpkin goo!
Finished product: the pumpkins and their owners.
Rick and the kids went to some friends neighborhood for haunted houses and trick or treat fun.
The very original costumes of Keiley (a baby) and Drake (a hippie).
No, that is not Drakes real hair!

All the girls of the cute and girlie

...And all the boys...not so cute, more like scary except for the happy hippie in the on the right.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Walkin' for The Cure!

Today we did the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure here in Temecula at the mall. What a turn out!!

This is what it looked like in front of us as we waited for the race to start. TONS-O-PEEPS

...And this was behind us!!!
Because the cause in near and dear to my heart, I talked my inlaws in to joining me along with Keiley. Thankfully they all were glad to join in :)

Keiley has actually been my walking partner in several of these 5k walks....LUCKY ME :)
Kordick Gals in action!

Uncle Kevin giving Keiley some help as we draw near the finish line.


My Monkeys!

Fabulous Auntie Lindz is our roommate for the next several months and WOW does that have its' rewards. She was nice enough to take the kids to the Wild Animal Park! (it is kind of a treat for her too. Being from Montana, she hasn't seen much of the California "theme" parks)

The next few photos are of course the animal parks live ins. Keiley was snap happy so I decided to post some of her efforts.