Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, I know it has been a WHILE since I have blogged, but better late than never right?

Anyhow, here are some Kordick family Christmas photos. We decided sortof last minute to surprise our kids and grandparents for Christmas and take a little trip to Montana for the Holiday. IT WORKED! The grandparents never suspected a thing, and with the help of Uncle Kevin and Aunty Lindz, everything went of perfectly. We arrived Christmas morning, (just in time for breakfast and presents :) ) and gave them the surprise of the year! It was AWESOME!

Uncle Kevin and Kei

Grammy and Drake!

One day we bought some good ole target innertubes and went tubing. SO FUN!!!

Uncle Kevin knew about our arrival to Montana so he decided to make an igloo for the kids (well, at least he said it was for the kids, i think it was for him and Rick).

To get an idea of how big this thing was, it stood about 4ft tall, and it went back about 15 ft.

I am at the start of the "cave" kneeling to try to talk to Rick who is deep inside. At this point, I think I was semi frightened of its stability.....

The MEN (i mean boys) got so in to this igloo, they even made windows in it!

Keileys attempt at a "snow angel". She is so bundled, its hard to tell if that is even her. It is, I promise.

The snow was about 3-4ft in Uncle Kevins front yard so Rick thought it would be a GREAT idea to throw Drake from the balcony into the fluffy white powder. Drake thought it was a GREAT ideas too!

And finally...a family photo in the "igloo" complete courtesy of dad digging for about 2 hours!