Thursday, May 28, 2009

Family Day

Memorial Day gives us an extra day of relaxation, so for that, we took a family trip south to the beach. As you all know Carlsbad is basically where it ALL began with the start of the Kordick family, so we like to visit some of the old stomping grounds as much as possible. Considering I don't get very many days off, I like to take advantage of the day when I do get it off.
Heading to the beach is perfect!!!!

The kids have their favorite ice cream shop in Carlsbad too, so it is a must to stop every time.
What better way to enjoy it than with a walk on the beach.....

These pictures are my attempt at some candid shots. I admit, I'm not very good...
I do however, have hopes of getting better :)

Ricks favorite thing to do is take pictures of himself. I just happened to sneak in on this one!

And....yes, the family feet pic. As I said, I hope to get better at photography. Where is Butch Owens when you need him....?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Favorite Day!

I love Mothers Day for many reasons. I love to spend the day doing exactly what it is I want to do with my family. Every year for the past few years, we invite whoever wants to join us and we go for a picnic at one of the local wineries. May not sound super kid friendly, but it really is. We just relax and visit with each other. The kids take nature walks around the vineyards and take pictures of all sorts of things (of which I will not post because most of them consist of only parts of animal faces and not the whole animal....). Another reason I love Mothers Day is the little gifts my children make for me. They make me cry every year. They truly are the only gifts I look forward to getting. This year Drake made a book about me starring me (so cute) and Keiley made me a homemade ceramic coffee cup with some homemade stationary cards (so adorable and creative!)

Most of all on Mothers Day, I just love huggin on my little treasures. The day is a reminder of all the joy they bring me each and every day.

How can you not LOVE these kids???

We had some friends join us for the picnic and here are the kids on one of the carriages the winery has to offer as photo op.

And then Drake decided he was going to act as our carriage guide and "pretend" to take my friend Leigh and I for a ride. Crazy Kid!!!