Yes, it has been a while, but
Keiley had a birthday late November. Yes, I said late November, I am a bit late on my posts but all of you loyal viewers should be used to my procrastination by now :)
The day of her birthday, she chose to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner and have a quiet family night at home with all of us playing Monopoly.
Don't we wish she could stay this young forever. Playing Monopoly...LOVE HER!

Though, we didn't leave her birthday at just the Monopoly.
My friend Renee and I surprised our girls for their birthdays and took them to San Francisco to see the play Wicked. Keiley was turning 12 and Rebekah turned 13 so we thought it would be super fun to do a turn around trip and throw in a play while in town.
Here are the girls as we are about to leave the airport.
At this point, they know they are going to San Fran only because the baggage lady spilled the beans....
We just arrived in San Fran..
We told the girls they were in San Fran to sight see, go to Ghiradelli Square to have chocolate, and have a very fancy dinner in the city.
Our first stop...Fisherman's Wharf
They're taking it all in.
As promised, hot chocolate from Ghiradelli Square.
All the while, experiencing public transportation....Good times!~
Getting all "dolled" up for the play. New outfit, curls and lipstick.

...And the ride home after getting off the plane.
Guess hangin' with the moms in the city is more than these little tweens could handle ;)