Friday, November 28, 2008


Seems like just yesterday.....

11 years ago to the day, after our Thanksgiving dinner and all, Keiley decided it was time for her entry into this world. And we are so glad she did! It's hard to believe that we have a "preteen" (the word alone scares me to death), but it has been a most joyous 11 years with this little sass! e are so proud of her, she's a straight A student, and an aspiring dancer, singer, and pianist.

We love you Keiley! You bring a smile to our face and laughter to our hearts each and every day!

Fabulous Auntie Kim treated Keiley to an indoor skydiving adventure for her birthday...and let me tell you~~SO FUN!!!
Here she is super excited standing out front before we head up a few flights of stairs. (she has NO idea what she's in for).
Here are Keiley, Drake, and good buddy Chase dressed and ready to take flight.
Take notice how Keiley doesn't seem so super excited at this moment. Her smile is trying to hide a sign of fear and stress, maybe even the start of some tears, while Drake and Chase CANNOT wait!
Keileys flight in progress.
It is hard to tell, but the "skydivers" sort of walk thru the door and fall as if they were going to fall out of a plane. With huge fans above blowing air so hard you are weightless, it is like you are skydiving. Now, since our kids are beginners and virtually weightless anyhow, the teacher stays in with them to give them hand signals on what to do to maintain their positions while in the chamber. It is very loud, so the instructor can't talk to them, he has to use head and hand motions.

I've never seen anything like it, it is really amazing.

And incase you are wondering, Keiley gave me 2 thumbs up after her 1st flight and couldn't wait to go for her 2nd.


Jett Thomas said...

Happy Birthday Keiley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Braden Matthew Johnson said...

Inching closer and closer to becoming our babysitter!! Happy Birthday to the sweetest 11-year-old we know!