Think back people, I know it was a loooonnnggg time ago for most of us, but middle school...yuck!
I pray Keiley enjoys it ALOT more than I did!
We decided (okay, I caved) to getting her a cell phone for this big event. Much to my dismay, my husband thought that our little girl was responsible enough for one.
She is a good girl, so we thought we would reward her.
I snuck it in her purse and asked my inlaws to call her while we were at dinner to surprise her and boy was she surprised!
The picture doesn't do it justice, as my hand was shaking with excitement that the surprise was really going to be just that, but she acutally screamed with delight.

And here she is, her first phone call from her Grammy in Montana.

Here is the whole bunch of them:
Drake, Luke, Rebekah, Ella and behind them: Logan, Keiley, and Anna.
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